Designing With Concrete

When we talk about using concrete in interior design particularly in a residential setting, we are almost always thinking concrete patios, stairs or flooring. I would like to focus on other creative and unexpected uses of concrete to decorate contemporary homes. Concrete is a neutral material that can be shaped in many different ways to add interest to a space. 

Here are some of my favourite applications:

Concrete Fireplace Surrounds

Concrete Fireplace Surround

Concrete Bathroom Sink

Concrete Bathroom Sink

Concrete Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor Concrete Furniture

Outdoor Concrete Furniture

Concrete seems to be the perfect material that is all around us in practical settings, yet with a bit of creative manipulation brings glamour and variety to all styles of decor.

From practical to whimsical, concrete surely is the most versatile product in the world and I love its creative application in residential home decor.


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