Accent Lighting

This is a vast subject and there is much to say about the technical applications of proper forms of lighting. However, in this post I will focus more on the style element of different types of lighting. Nothing transforms a dreary and dull space as quickly as good lighting. Lighting can be used to hide flaws as much as to highlight features. Proper use of lighting can make a room look a lot larger and create an expansive space. 

To start I will show you a few of my favourite floor and table lamps. I love using these to bring attention to certain areas, create a cozy atmosphere and provide mood lighting in general. 

Gorgeous Colors

Classy Neutrals

Tortoise Silver Bottle Neck Glass Table Lamp Arteriors Home Modern Silver Putty Shade Silver Foil                   ParamountTblLampF12

           Moooi Dandelion Contemporary Floor Lamp by Richard Hutten

Surface-Mount Lighting



Attractive lighting is a key style element of design. Well-lit spaces create drama, comfort, atmosphere and ambiance as well as provide illumination for various tasks. Nice looking lamps and fixtures add value and is an inexpensive and non-intrusive way to add a contemporary touch to many existing decor. 

Happy decorating! Until next time.


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