Flowers and Foliage in Home Decor
Greenery brings freshness and breathes life into the confines of a home. Using natural decor effectively and creatively is a very important aspect of decorating. You can create a free-flowing and natural decor element with flowers and greenery or use sculptured greenery to create a more formal look.
We all know the importance of bringing elements of nature into our lives. Flowers, potted plants and dried arrangements are integral to good home decor and has been known to reduce stress and induce happiness. I am not talking about creating a jungle in your home as too many plants can be hard to maintain and doesn't necessarily look great. Also, many plants are dangerous for pets and animals and it is important that you research the safety of your houseplants before you bring them to your home.
Dried flowers and branches can add a good variation in texture and color. Large floor vases with dried sticks and branches can fill an otherwise unusable corner of a room, it is definitely a better choice than plastic trees and is equally low-maintenance.
Let's see some creative and elegant ways of using fresh or dried foliage in home decor.
Jar and Container Gardens
Fresh, Dried and Fake Flowers
Potted Greenery
Perfectly Applied Greenery
Add flowers, ferns, grass and dried branches to spruce up your home. Find varieties that are easy to maintain and safe for kids and pets. It is easier to maintain a few strategically-placed plants than to have too many spread out everywhere. If you are not confident in your ability to keep real plants alive, try good quality fake or dried ones. I mix real and fake greenery and no one can tell. My husband has watered the fake ones a few times!
Happy decorating! Until next time.

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