Decorating Walls Without Cluttering
From art and mirrors to elaborate arrangements of personal photos and collectibles, we find everything on the walls of a typical home. Nobody likes to stare at bare walls and very soon they become a place to show off our families, academic achievements, travels and important occasions. Often, they become cluttered and overcrowded, compromising the harmony and balance of a room. So, how can you use your walls to display your prized possessions and keep them clutter-free? To achieve this you have to think balance. Blank space on walls is as important to achieve the right balance as art, mirrors, collections and other possessions. Strike a good balance and you will have an interesting room without compromising the flow and openness. Here are a few styles of arranging art, photos or other items you may want to display. A simple way to hang multiple framed pictures is to split the arrangement down the middle along a straight horizontal or vertical line. ...